Dugan Jr, R. F., & Polanski, V. G. (2006). Writing for computer science: a taxonomy of writing tasks and general advice. Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, 21(6), 191-203. ABSTRACT
Abstract:Computer science graduates lack written communication skills crucial to success in the workplace. Professional and academic organizations including ACM, IEEE, ABET, CSAB, and NACE have stressed the importance of teaching computer science undergraduates to write for years, yet the writing problem persists. In this paper, we provide guidance to computer science instructors who want student writing skills to improve. First, we organize prior work on writing for computer science into a goal-oriented taxonomy of writing tasks. Each task includes a clear, concise, and detailed model that can be used as the framework for a student writing assignment. Second, we provide general advice for incorporating writing into any computer science course. Finally, we discuss the application of our taxonomy and advice to writing tasks in several computer science courses.